Management & Structure
Dr. Roos van Westrhenen (MD, PhD)
Psychiatrist & Clinical Pharmacologist
Head and PI Outpatient Clinic Pharmacogenetics
Parnassia Psychiatric Institute/PsyQ Netherlands
Overschiestraat 57
NL 1062 HN Amsterdam -
Honorary Professor
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India
Sarjapur - Marathahalli Rd, beside Bank Of Baroda, John Nagar, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka
560034 India -
Visiting Senior Lecturer
King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), United Kingdom
De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill
SES8AF London
Chair Dr. Roos van Westrhenen
- Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg
- Thomas Schulze
- Allan Young
- Alexandra Philipsen
- Ramona Moldovan
- Bart Rutten
- Jaakko Kaprio
To be announced
- Tineke Mollema, patient representative from GAMIAN (Belgium)
- Prof. emeritus Wim van den Brink, former director of the Amsterdam Institute of Addiction Research (Academic Medical Center, The Netherlands)
- Prof. Jehannine Austin, Chair in translational Psychiatric Genomics (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Dr. Ingrid Klingmann, Chairman of the Board of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (Germany)
- Dr. Erik Steinfelder, Director at Thermo Fisher Scientific, former Director General of BBMRI-ERIC (Netherlands)
- Dr. Edward Dove, Lecturer in Health Law and Regulation University Edinburgh (Scotland, United Kingdom)
- Dr. Marc Maliepaard, Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board-Regulatory&Member of the Pharmacogenomics Working Part EMA (Netherlands)
- Dr. Rita Azevedo, project manager Lygature/RI Health (Netherlands)
To be announced. Will include patient experts from the Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks-Europe (GAMIAN-Europe)